How Much Electricity Does An Infrared Heater Use? – A Comprehensive Guide

With winter in full swing, it is absolutely pertinent to begin taking action to keep your home warm and comfortable throughout the season.

Unfortunately, heating a home of any size can be fairly expensive.

This is true whether you’re utilizing an HVAC system or an infrared heater.

Nonetheless, it is sometimes possible to save money by opting for the lesser of the two expenses.

How can you know for sure which option will save you the most?

Below, you will learn more about the potential energy consumption of the infrared heater and the alternatives.

How Much Electricity Does An Infrared Heater Use

An Improving Sector

In the past, consumers throughout the United States utilized a substantial amount of electricity on heating and cooling their homes.

This has changed significantly over the past few years.

In 1993, space heating account for approximately 53% of the energy use in average American homes.

In 2009, that number dropped dramatically to 41.5%.

Much of this has to do with improvements in technology and building materials.

The efficiency of windows has improved and insulation has gotten much more effective.

Couple this with the enhancements made to energy efficient air conditioning equipment and the changes have been astronomical.

While the energy usage of heating and cooling equipment has dropped, this equipment still remains one of the biggest energy consumers in any home.

Many Differentials To Consider

Unfortunately, determining the precise energy usage of your HVAC equipment or infrared heater is much more difficult than you might imagine.

The truth of the matter is that these products are enormously diverse and their energy consumption ratings will vary significantly.

The energy consumption can vary based on the equipment at hand and its efficiency rating.

The infrared heater is considered to be a safer alternative to conventional heating methods.

Nonetheless, these units often require just as much electricity as the alternatives.

In some situations, the energy consumption can rank as high as 1,500 watts.

Based on the current costs in California, it would cost California residents approximately 25-cents to their 1,500-watt infrared heater for an hour.

This is true, when the electricity costs rest around 17-cents per kilowatt hour.

Learning The Specifics

So, how much electricity does an infrared heater use?

The truth of the matter is that the specifics will vary from one unit to the next.

To learn the specifics with a particular unit, it will be essential to dig into the details.

Whether you’re shopping online or in a retail establishment, you should be able to discover the details by looking at the packaging or the product description.

Somewhere on the packaging, you should be able to discover the watts for the unit.

If you’re trying to figure out the energy usage of your heater and no longer have the packaging, you should look at the label, which is usually attached near the power cord.

On the label, you should be able to identify the energy consumption for your specific unit.

By making a few calculations, you should be able to determine the energy usage per year and the cost you would likely be required to pay.

Energy Usage Of Heat Pumps And Air Conditioners

Determining the precise energy consumption of a heat pump is substantially more difficult.

The heat pump utilizes an assortment of different components and outside factors can help to determine the overall energy usage.

The unit’s SEER rating is also something that must be taken into consideration.

It is also vital to remember that an HVAC unit’s energy consumption will differ depending on the specific mode utilized.

Cooling will consume a different amount than heating.

Therefore, if you truly wish to learn the specifics for your particular unit, you will need to consult with a qualified HVAC technician.

Are Infrared Heaters Worth It?

When it comes down to it, infrared heaters will never be able to deliver the same amount of heat as their bigger counterparts.

Nonetheless, they will still prove to be well worth it for many consumers.

There are numerous benefits associated with the infrared heater, which will make it perfect for some consumers.

The energy consumption of infrared heaters will actually be substantially lower than many others.

When compared to warm air systems, infrared heaters can save the consumer as much as 20 to 50% in fuel savings.

In some situations, these heaters will be sufficiently capable of providing the consumer with enough heat to keep them warm throughout the winter.

Use Proper Insulation To Decrease Energy Usage

If your primary goal is to reduce your home’s energy usage, you should familiarize yourself with the paramount importance of insulation.

By properly insulating your home, you will be able to greatly reduce your home’s energy usage.

Remember that your home’s HVAC heating system should not be utilized, unless it is truly needed.

The thermostat will switch the equipment off, once your home’s temperature raises to a certain level.

The good news is that insulation will help you keep your heater off for a longer duration and this will decrease your home’s energy consumption substantially.

The insulation is responsible for trapping the heat inside of your home.

By switching to more efficient insulation and adding more to your home, you will be able to ensure the heat remains in your home for a longer duration.

This is absolutely essential.

As long as the heat remains inside of your home, you won’t need to switch on the heating system.

This will in return save you energy and money.

Improved Window Efficiency

Another thing to remember is that the heat inside of your home can escape through many ways.

Sometimes, it will escape under the door or through the windows.

If your home has older windows, it is highly likely that the energy efficiency for those windows is very low.

It is absolutely pertinent to make sure you rectify this problem as quickly as possible.

Newer windows will be much more energy efficient and they’ll help you utilize less energy over the long run.

While you may not see the importance in upgrading to new windows, you definitely should.

The improved energy efficiency and added insulation will help to keep your home warmer, without needing to utilize your heating system so frequently.

Therefore, you should most certainly consider upgrading to new and more energy efficient windows.

Look For Leaks

Finally, you should remember that the warm air will always find a way to escape your home.

The air may squeeze itself underneath your door.

Alternatively, the heat might find a crack in the wall near the window.

Each year, it is a good idea to closely inspect your home.

Use your hand to feel for drafts.

This will give you the ability to quickly spot air leaks.

Adding a door sweep will help to stop the air from flowing outside so easily.

If you find cracks or leaks elsewhere, you will want to plug them up immediately with caulk.

This will greatly improve your home’s energy efficiency and help you avoid using your heater so much.


Truly, there are benefits associated with infrared heaters.

However, you should remember that an energy efficient infrared heater needs to be utilized in the right setting.

Your home needs to be properly insulated and sealed, so the warm air cannot escape.

By combining proper insulation and maximum energy efficiency with a good infrared heater, you may be able to reduce your home’s energy consumption to some degree.